Thursday, April 28, 2011

Can't get enough of those florals

So easter break and uni holidays has had some ups and downs but the little finds I found along the way made it all better.

Easter Saturday I took my Learner brother on a drive to the yarra valley to get his hours up. while it was a stressful ride the knowledge of Healsville's many op shops was enough to ease the nerves.

I only found one thing but i'm quite happy with it.
I've always wanted a little pink number, this one I took up a little. $4

As I had to be at uni IN my holidays I thought I'd treat myself to another visit to the Mill Park Savers.

another floral shirt that must await the return of summer. $4

and finally the unexpected trip to some Kew op shops when my car broke down. The tow truck wasn't going to arrive for a whole 2 hours so I set off to keep myself occupied.

found some dainty gardening gloves for $1 from the MS op shop Kew

And the epic find of the year so far, an amazing duffle/snow coat downed with feathers and awesome checked lining for a mere $8 at the Holy Trinity op shop at the church on high street.
I'm over the moon about this one because I have a snow trip planned for the queens bday long weekend. all i need is a cute beanie and i'm set!

Thursday, April 21, 2011


As it's crunch time for me at uni I havent had time to do much op shopping this month. But the one time I did go I went to Mill Park Savers and scored again.

I found a lovely for $7

an assortment of floral shirts.
(can get the photo to rotate!? help?)

and a nice dark winter skirt that I plan to take up to go with my new boots :D

Saturday, March 26, 2011


Another successful week if I do say so myself.
a super trendy jump suit with lovely detailing on the collar. $7

some nice oxfords and a lovely long flowing skirt that's amazing on sunny picnic days. both $7
also at savers attached to a very ugly dress was this lovely broach. So I bought the dress for $4 as it was half price day, took the broach off and will send the dress back to the op shop circuit :D

at Watsonia's Red cross I found a skirt that i cant decide to take up or not for $8 and as there effpos limit was $10 I scouered the shop for something else to bring my total up and found this lovely straw handbag for $4.

There's also a new MS op shop in Kew that i'm keen to check out! so stay tuned for more heart stopping finds :D

Sunday, February 27, 2011

So last week was savers has just opened near my uni and I'm in total excitement over the potential scavenging I can do in my lunch breaks.

I went over to suss it out last Tuesday and this is what i found. This new savers is fantastic, no over priced vintage, no dirty changing booths and heaps to sift through!

plus a tan leather belt I forgot to take a photo of for $3

$7 each

Then Thursday I met up with a friend in Camberwell and just before I went home I nicked into the salvos there and found my new favourite skirt.

I also happened to be in Doncaster in the afternoon and found what seems to be a brand new
pastel tent dress for $1 !! I love this op shop they seem to always have a half price on everything deal when I go in there.

Then on the weekend on the way home from the beach at port lonsdale I convenced my boyfriend to stop by at The Mills markets which is my new favourite place in the whole wide world. we got there at 5 and it shut at 6 so I only got through half the place (its masssssive) And I know its not quite an op shop but I have to include my findings because they just topped off a fantastic week.

So very happy with this week indeed :D